你也可以将它存储至C:\winnt\system32下面,那么你可以通过command方式直接调用该程序来重启IIS服务,或是直接在cmd模式下输入:[color=#008000]iisrestart [/color]
[code]@echo off
REM - File: iisrestart.bat
REM - Description: Restart's IIS (Web, FTP, SMTP)
REM - Author: Pete Freitag CFDEV.COM
REM - ADD REM comments if you don't want to restart any
REM - of Services
echo Restarting IIS...
echo ======================================================
net stop "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
net start "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
net stop "FTP Publishing Service"
net start "FTP Publishing Service"
net stop "Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)"
net start "Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)"
echo ======================================================
echo IIS Restarted [/code]
你也可以将它存储至C:\winnt\system32下面,那么你可以通过command方式直接调用该程序来重启IIS服务,或是直接在cmd模式下输入:[color=#008000]iisrestart [/color]
[code]@echo off
REM - File: iisrestart.bat
REM - Description: Restart's IIS (Web, FTP, SMTP)
REM - Author: Pete Freitag CFDEV.COM
REM - ADD REM comments if you don't want to restart any
REM - of Services
echo Restarting IIS...
echo ======================================================
net stop "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
net start "World Wide Web Publishing Service"
net stop "FTP Publishing Service"
net start "FTP Publishing Service"
net stop "Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)"
net start "Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)"
echo ======================================================
echo IIS Restarted [/code]