Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients:
Gradients are one of the most important aspects to be considered while designing a Web 2.0 Site. Even a simple button is of a gradient. So I decided to make some cool set of Gradients and put them together in an Adobe Photoshop Gradient file (.grd). These gradients are fully scalable, what i mean here is its not an image or so.. just create a shape and apply the gradient - As simple as that. You could create Logos, Backgrounds, Tabs, Buttons, Wallpapers, Toolbars and all sorts of stuff... I hope v2.0 was helpful a lot. Now this current version includes almost all the possible gradients... Feel free to use these cool set of gradients anywhere but please don't forget to share this too...[separator]
[color=#FF0000][b]+[/b][/color] UPDATE 03 May 2007 : v3 Release with around 130 Web 2.0 Gradients.
[color=#FF0000][b]+[/b][/color] UPDATE 16 Apr 2007 : v2 Release with some more gradients. Click on the image below to download.
[url=http://www.dezinerfolio.com/system/files/web_2_0_grads_v30.zip][color=#FF0000][b]官方下载:[/b][/color]Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients.zip[/url]
[b]( Please don't directly link to the file... thank you )[/b] Here is how you should be importing the [color=#FF1493][b].GRD [/b][/color] file into Photoshop.
Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles:
Photoshop Layer Styles are the easiest way to speed up the design process. I found that my previous article - [b][color=#4169E1]Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients v3.0[/color][/b] was a lot helpful to many.
Coming to the Layer Styles, I found a lot of styles on the Web to download but none of them were of the today’s trend of Web 2.0. So here is a set of [b]131 Photoshop Layer Styles [/b]I created in [color=#FF1493][b].ASL [/b][/color] ( Photoshop Layer Style ) format.
[url=http://www.dezinerfolio.com/system/files/web20layerstylesve01.zip][color=#FF0000][b]官方下载:[/b][/color]Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles.zip[/url]
As explained in the below image, I feel this set of Layer Styles could be the fastest way to create Web Elements like Buttons, headers, Content Backgrounds and a lot other stuff…
Feel free to use these cool set of Layer Styles anywhere but please don’t forget to share this link too…
[color=#B22222]PS: 为方便国内用户下载,特上传于此,可点击上面两个附件下载。但请尽可能从官方网站下载,官方网站还在不断的更新中。[/color]
Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients:
Gradients are one of the most important aspects to be considered while designing a Web 2.0 Site. Even a simple button is of a gradient. So I decided to make some cool set of Gradients and put them together in an Adobe Photoshop Gradient file (.grd). These gradients are fully scalable, what i mean here is its not an image or so.. just create a shape and apply the gradient - As simple as that. You could create Logos, Backgrounds, Tabs, Buttons, Wallpapers, Toolbars and all sorts of stuff... I hope v2.0 was helpful a lot. Now this current version includes almost all the possible gradients... Feel free to use these cool set of gradients anywhere but please don't forget to share this too...[separator]
[color=#FF0000][b]+[/b][/color] UPDATE 03 May 2007 : v3 Release with around 130 Web 2.0 Gradients.
[color=#FF0000][b]+[/b][/color] UPDATE 16 Apr 2007 : v2 Release with some more gradients. Click on the image below to download.
[url=http://www.dezinerfolio.com/system/files/web_2_0_grads_v30.zip][color=#FF0000][b]官方下载:[/b][/color]Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients.zip[/url]
[b]( Please don't directly link to the file... thank you )[/b] Here is how you should be importing the [color=#FF1493][b].GRD [/b][/color] file into Photoshop.
Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles:
Photoshop Layer Styles are the easiest way to speed up the design process. I found that my previous article - [b][color=#4169E1]Ultimate Web 2.0 Gradients v3.0[/color][/b] was a lot helpful to many.
Coming to the Layer Styles, I found a lot of styles on the Web to download but none of them were of the today’s trend of Web 2.0. So here is a set of [b]131 Photoshop Layer Styles [/b]I created in [color=#FF1493][b].ASL [/b][/color] ( Photoshop Layer Style ) format.
[url=http://www.dezinerfolio.com/system/files/web20layerstylesve01.zip][color=#FF0000][b]官方下载:[/b][/color]Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles.zip[/url]
As explained in the below image, I feel this set of Layer Styles could be the fastest way to create Web Elements like Buttons, headers, Content Backgrounds and a lot other stuff…
Feel free to use these cool set of Layer Styles anywhere but please don’t forget to share this link too…
[color=#B22222]PS: 为方便国内用户下载,特上传于此,可点击上面两个附件下载。但请尽可能从官方网站下载,官方网站还在不断的更新中。[/color]