Django Tutorial: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes
[url=http://videos1.showmedo.com/ShowMeDos/1100000.flv]Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes (1/3)[/url]
In this tutorial, I introduce the basics of Django by walking you through the development of a simple wiki application.
We'll see how you can design your URLs, interact with the database and use the Django template library. As an added bonus, we'll also include support for editing pages using Markdown syntax.[ http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ ].
[url=http://videos1.showmedo.com/ShowMeDos/1100010.flv]Learn Django: Extending the wiki with wikiwords and search (2/3)[/url]
This is the second part of the Learn Django series. In this part, we'll extend the Wiki app from part 1 [View part 1 here if you haven't already].
We are going to add support for a menu and auto linking of wikiwords.In the process we will look at template inheritance, filters and custom filter libraries.
Finally, we'll see how to implement a search feature in under 20 lines of code using Django's newforms library and database query API.
[url=http://videos1.showmedo.com/ShowMeDos/1100020.flv]Learn Django: Adding tags to the wiki (3/3)[/url][separator]
Following on from the previous two screencasts, we add the ability to create and edit tags for wiki pages. In the process, we'll see how to create relations between Django model objects using the ManyToManyField. With a few lines of code, and thirty minutes of time, we'll have a wiki with tags.
A great beginners tutorial is the “Create a Wiki in 20 minutes” by Siddhi from [url=http://www.silverstripesoftware.com/]Silver Stripe Software[/url].
In the tutorial you’ll learn the basics of Django by walking you through the development of a simple wiki application. Other aspects in the tutorial are: URL design, database interaction, Django templates and editing pages using Markdown syntax.
By the end, you'll see how little time and code it takes to get a simple application up and running.
The tutorial can be found here:
Another nice tutorial from the same author is “[url=http://showmedo.com/videos/video?name=2680000&fromSeriesID=268]Using Amazon’s S3 service with Django[/url]“
[url=http://videos1.showmedo.com/ShowMeDos/1100000.flv]Learn Django: Create a Wiki in 20 minutes (1/3)[/url]
In this tutorial, I introduce the basics of Django by walking you through the development of a simple wiki application.
We'll see how you can design your URLs, interact with the database and use the Django template library. As an added bonus, we'll also include support for editing pages using Markdown syntax.[ http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ ].
[url=http://videos1.showmedo.com/ShowMeDos/1100010.flv]Learn Django: Extending the wiki with wikiwords and search (2/3)[/url]
This is the second part of the Learn Django series. In this part, we'll extend the Wiki app from part 1 [View part 1 here if you haven't already].
We are going to add support for a menu and auto linking of wikiwords.In the process we will look at template inheritance, filters and custom filter libraries.
Finally, we'll see how to implement a search feature in under 20 lines of code using Django's newforms library and database query API.
[url=http://videos1.showmedo.com/ShowMeDos/1100020.flv]Learn Django: Adding tags to the wiki (3/3)[/url][separator]
Following on from the previous two screencasts, we add the ability to create and edit tags for wiki pages. In the process, we'll see how to create relations between Django model objects using the ManyToManyField. With a few lines of code, and thirty minutes of time, we'll have a wiki with tags.
A great beginners tutorial is the “Create a Wiki in 20 minutes” by Siddhi from [url=http://www.silverstripesoftware.com/]Silver Stripe Software[/url].
In the tutorial you’ll learn the basics of Django by walking you through the development of a simple wiki application. Other aspects in the tutorial are: URL design, database interaction, Django templates and editing pages using Markdown syntax.
By the end, you'll see how little time and code it takes to get a simple application up and running.
The tutorial can be found here:
Another nice tutorial from the same author is “[url=http://showmedo.com/videos/video?name=2680000&fromSeriesID=268]Using Amazon’s S3 service with Django[/url]“